
Baccus Capital Investments LLC is an investment firm created as a platform from which commercial real properties will be acquired in separate single-asset entities for the generation of income and value appreciation, typically with a long-term investment horizon. Property types include retail, land, office and industrial properties with a geographic focus on the Southwest, primarily Arizona and Texas.

Since 1992, 50+ properties in 30 different markets have been successfully acquired involving industry leaders such as British Petroleum, Clarke American, Columbia/HCA, IBM, Reliance Insurance, Starbucks, Valero and Wells Fargo. Historically, investments are pursued in a very broad range of value from as small as $1 million to as large as $50 million while property sizes range from as small as 10,690 SF to as large as 442,549 SF.

Baccus Capital Investments has extensive experience in the ownership of commercial real properties; experience earned through decades of involvement in each and every facet necessary for the successful ownership and operation of commercial real properties. Direct experience includes the areas of acquisition, disposition, leasing, property management, construction, planning and the regulatory entitlement of projects. “No detail is too small to demand the direct attention of ownership” is the guiding principle deeply rooted in each and every investment.